A little inspiration... "Seek within to hear the Voice The one that will bring you near To who, what, you truly are For you are already there. You may think you are far Or that you need do much to get you there But know in Truth, you are already there. Do not despair, look within to find yourself there The place of eternal peace. Enjoy the stillness, the silence within Lift higher and higher, you are already there. Immerse in the glorious, magnificent rays Of God’s divine light. Let it wash away your worries and cares As you are reminded that all is well. The dream of separation Begins to fade You remember, you awake No longer in fear. You are home where you never left You now choose never to forget For you are awake. You will always remember No matter what happens That all is okay Forever safe you are At home with your Source. In bliss and delight You forever shine bright If comes a haze On certain days Go within to hear the gentle Voice That will remind you again That all is well. For in Source you rest And can lay down the quest. The Voice of Spirit The Voice for God Will keep you on track And always have your back. Release, let go Let yourself flow Breathe in Breathe out You are already there." ~Maya Bringas We are right now and forever at home with our Source. There is nothing we need do in order to be with God, as we already are and have never been separated. The dream of separation is just that, a dream.
In Oneness,
Maya Bringas ~Freedom comes when you remember the magnificence of who you really are~ If you enjoy these empowering articles, please share them with those who may be interested in the content. Sharing is a blessing to others and to ourselves.
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