The following is a poem that was written through me from a couple years ago or so, and I share it here now. I also recorded it and posted it on my YouTube channel if you prefer to listen to it. Click here to listen. In the stillness I hear your words Soft, gentle, loving and kind They nourish my body They nurture my soul They bless my mind. What sacred solace Your sweet words bring Painting a canvas of hope, peace, strength and joy Your words, your presence Uplifts my soul Sweet sanctuary within, is where I find you. You encourage me, you love me, you show me the way Always with tenderness and the utmost care With respect, with harmony, you reassure me always That all is OK All is well And I relax into this knowingness I feel and am safe in your embrace. Warm waves of love Shower every part of me My soul, my body, my mind, my whole essence The wisdom you share is like no other Exactly what I need is offered. You light my path You light my way For I am shown the way In peace I rest. In stillness I find you Each time you are there Never to abandon But always to care. I need not worry I need not shed a tear For you are always there And show me you care. I thank you my Spirit My Inner Teacher of Peace For always being there The love I feel The hope I find Washes over me When I subside. I let go and trust Never need to rush All is taken care of All answers provided Solutions they come Problems dissolve I am safe and all is well. My mind at peace Love fills my soul I rest assured With ease and grace. Harmony fills me Life restored To flow with joy And to embrace. Each moment a blessing Each day one of love The love felt within Is where I shall dwell in. In Oneness,
Maya Bringas If you enjoyed this poem, feel free to share it with those that may be interested. Sharing is caring! Let's spread the love!
When I look at you I See me. I See your Light and so I See the Light in me. To See you is to recognize myself. The Light we share. The Light as One. I See the love that is your spirit. It's who you are. What you are. And as I See the beauty of your spirit, I affirm the beauty that is my spirit. For we are no different. We are the same. The appearance may differ, but the Light, the Love within, could be no different. I See you for who you are. And so I acknowledge who I AM. Our identities may differ, but we are not identities. We are formless, united with the One. One Heart, one Love, one remarkable Divine Light. Let us soar in our united true form. Past all illusions, higher and higher. Lighter we become, immersed in the One. Beyond time, beyond space. We are eternal in the One. Bliss is our nature, bliss is our right. Oh how amazing it is to be this simplicity. No struggle, no fear. Just pure delight. In joy to be and simply be free. Home is here. Home is within. For the One everlasting shining Light is what we are in. Happiness, joy, love, and peace. That is what we behold within. In Oneness in Source forever we dwell, let us remember this well. For this is where we are, this is our Truth. May we simply be and set ourselves free. When we experience the world through the true Vision of the Higher Spirit Self, we experience life with deep meaning, purpose, and from the awareness of who we really are, which is divine love. In Oneness,
Maya Bringas ~Freedom comes when you remember the magnificence of who you really are~ "No need to hasten, no need to be quick. Just let all unfold naturally. You can rest and know you will be your best, for out of the silence emerges your True Divine Self. Oh so bright it shines! Brilliant, dazzling, the Light leads the way. You need look no further, for the Light is within. And from the silence, the answers, solutions, and guidance comes in. See ye as Light. There is nothing else. Simple and True, for all you do. Shine! Shine! Shine dear One! Do not be afraid to let yourself glisten. Emerge, be True. You are amazing in all you do. Will you not recognize now, that you are the Light? Will you not accept the Magnificence of who you really are? You are so divine. So unconditionally loved. Will you not make this True for you? It is your Truth. LOVE. Let yourself be showered in the eternal rays of Source’s divine light. The light nurtures you, supports you, and loves you always. Now is the time, to put all aside, and embrace your Truth. Your Love. Loved you are. Love is what you are. And Love is your eternal Truth." ~Maya Bringas In Oneness,
Maya Bringas ~Freedom comes when you remember the magnificence of who you really are~ Like the rays of the blazing sun, dim not your light. You are divine, shine bright! With laser light clarity, know that you have all the answers you seek inside. Find them there. And when found, follow your inner guidance, your divine Inner Teacher, who will always guide you there. To where you have always been, but may have forgotten. Your true Teacher knows what's best, so now all can be put to rest. BE your bliss. BE your joy. There is nothing you cannot do. Have faith in all you do. Put a little trust into you. And when you do, know nothing you do can ever fail. How could it even be possible? You are a success, so give yourself a rest and simply be YOU. You are amazing! A divine light! Forever shine your light so bright! In Oneness,
Maya Bringas ~Freedom comes when you remember the magnificence of who you really are~ If you enjoy these empowering articles, please share them with those who may be interested in the content. Sharing is both a blessing to others and to ourselves. I sit in silence, breathing in the fresh cool air. My eyes gently closed for a moment, I enjoy this quiet stillness. I gaze up and notice the fluffy white clouds that fill the blue sky. How lovely they look, as they very slowly and gracefully move across the sky. I look in all directions above from where I now sit to notice the variety of shapes they form. How peaceful it is to merge with the clouds as I watch them float by. I am filled with serenity and calm in this present moment. All other thoughts and cares have melted away. I am in bliss with nature in this now moment. What beauty nature offers, if we just look, listen, sense, and feel. Here in my garden, the rustling sound of the leaves bring additional soothing comfort to my mind and whole being. I now hear the song of a bird in the distance, its melody bringing cheer and upliftment to all who will hear. More birds now add to the chorus. How sweet they sound! I close my eyes again for a moment, drinking in the fresh spring air. I am grateful for this now moment and for the harmony it ushers in. I hear the rhythm of my wind chime quicken as it sends out its tune in all directions. Ah, such bliss this is. I am content in the now, nothing else comes to mind. I sit here in nature immersed in its delights. The warm sun shines on me now, as the tender breeze brings additional comfort. Being here in this now moment, there is no other place I would rather be. Everything is right here, right now. I am filled with more gratitude for the stillness, tranquility, peace, and joy that the now moment brings. I hear the call of what sounds like gulls overhead in the distance, as if in agreement to the thoughts that have now just passed.
As I look further into the distance, I see all that is growing and beginning to bloom. Spring is here. How wise nature is. The plants and flowers need not be coaxed or told how to grow. Each year they just do their thing. They begin to emerge, bloom, and grow all on their own, as they always know when the time is right. They don’t force nor resist, they just be what they are. I notice the color green emerging everywhere and the little flower buds beginning to make their appearance after the long winter. How joyful I feel for their arrival. They are friends from nature that return this time of the year. As I write from this place of stillness, I am grateful for so many things like this quiet time and for all nature offers. Another gift has now appeared for us all. I hear a call directly above. Three majestic birds are soaring freely and happily in the sky. Let us soar together right here and now. In Oneness, Maya Bringas ~Published in the June issue of Sibyl Magazine: For the Spirit and Soul of Woman. A little inspiration... "Seek within to hear the Voice The one that will bring you near To who, what, you truly are For you are already there. You may think you are far Or that you need do much to get you there But know in Truth, you are already there. Do not despair, look within to find yourself there The place of eternal peace. Enjoy the stillness, the silence within Lift higher and higher, you are already there. Immerse in the glorious, magnificent rays Of God’s divine light. Let it wash away your worries and cares As you are reminded that all is well. The dream of separation Begins to fade You remember, you awake No longer in fear. You are home where you never left You now choose never to forget For you are awake. You will always remember No matter what happens That all is okay Forever safe you are At home with your Source. In bliss and delight You forever shine bright If comes a haze On certain days Go within to hear the gentle Voice That will remind you again That all is well. For in Source you rest And can lay down the quest. The Voice of Spirit The Voice for God Will keep you on track And always have your back. Release, let go Let yourself flow Breathe in Breathe out You are already there." ~Maya Bringas We are right now and forever at home with our Source. There is nothing we need do in order to be with God, as we already are and have never been separated. The dream of separation is just that, a dream.
In Oneness,
Maya Bringas ~Freedom comes when you remember the magnificence of who you really are~ If you enjoy these empowering articles, please share them with those who may be interested in the content. Sharing is a blessing to others and to ourselves. |
COACHING Empower your well-being and wholeness and attune to the magnificence that you are! |