Subcribe to the e-newsletter and receive this free, Resting in Stillness, Abiding in Presence Practice. This recording includes a description of how you can deepen awareness and connection to the ever-present stillness, expansiveness, and peace of the inherent essence of your being, followed by a short meditative practice. You can incorporate the tools mentioned, to pause and join with Presence and the stillness within throughout the day.
Welcome Magnificent One!
*Would you like to be in harmony with the deeper essence of your being (peace, love, wholeness, innocence), nurture the mind-body connection and be in the natural flow of well-being in all areas of your life?
*How would it feel to be fully approving/kind/loving (non-judgemental)/supportive/nurturing with all parts of your beautiful self?
*Are you ready to step into your inherent power within and live awakened and rooted to the Truth of what you are?
The time is NOW to fully embrace the magnificence
that you already and forever are right now! It is time to live your magnificence!
*Would you like to be in harmony with the deeper essence of your being (peace, love, wholeness, innocence), nurture the mind-body connection and be in the natural flow of well-being in all areas of your life?
*How would it feel to be fully approving/kind/loving (non-judgemental)/supportive/nurturing with all parts of your beautiful self?
*Are you ready to step into your inherent power within and live awakened and rooted to the Truth of what you are?
The time is NOW to fully embrace the magnificence
that you already and forever are right now! It is time to live your magnificence!
Freedom comes when you remember the magnificence of who you really are. You are One with Source and your essence is LOVE. That is what you and what we all are. Remember how divine, wonderful and amazing your Spirit is. That is your true nature. You are a vibrational being of love and light. Go within and connect to the stillness of your heart’s inner light to receive all that you need. It is here that you hear your heart’s inner calling and receive its loving guidance. The inner sacred sanctuary of your heart is where you can always go to feel instant peace, calm, serenity, and a deep sense of Oneness to All That Is. When you release the resistance to the natural flow of Source Energy within, you free yourself to align to your true divine essence. You then more easily allow the creation and integration of the vibrational reality you desire to experience.
~In Oneness,
Maya Bringas
~In Oneness,
Maya Bringas
Spiritual Coaching/Guidance Package and Sessions are Available
to Assist You on the Path of Embodying Your True Divine Essence and
Living Your Magnificence
~Be gently guided towards a realization of the inherent wisdom, peace, and power that you hold within and learn how to be in tune with it via ultimate self-kindness and self-love.
~Gain simple and effective tools and practices that you can incorporate into your daily life to create the life you desire and nurture your being holistically (body/mind/soul).
~End unhelpful patterns that are holding you back and become your greatest ally.
~Feel and experience a deep sense of connection and Oneness to all of life.
to Assist You on the Path of Embodying Your True Divine Essence and
Living Your Magnificence
~Be gently guided towards a realization of the inherent wisdom, peace, and power that you hold within and learn how to be in tune with it via ultimate self-kindness and self-love.
~Gain simple and effective tools and practices that you can incorporate into your daily life to create the life you desire and nurture your being holistically (body/mind/soul).
~End unhelpful patterns that are holding you back and become your greatest ally.
~Feel and experience a deep sense of connection and Oneness to all of life.