Free Empowering Meditations
Grounding Body Scan Meditation

This body scan meditation is very helpful for grounding and centering, and connecting and anchoring more deeply in the body. Incorporating a body scan into one's daily routine is a very helpful tool to cultivate mindfulness. Therefore, returning focus back to the here and now of the present moment which is where our point of power is. Living in presence with awareness, self-love, self-compassion and non-judgement, nurtures body, mind, and soul. It soothes the nervous system and can assist with releasing from living in chronic stress mode (fight/flight/freeze/fawn) and back to rest and digest mode (calm/relaxation/repair).
Listen now on YouTube.
Listen now on YouTube.
Ocean of Holy Love Meditation

For this Holy Fire Reiki® III Experience find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for the duration of this experience. Sit or lay down comfortably, and close your eyes. The energy of the Ocean of Holy Love is deeply soothing, nurturing, and rejuvenating. After the initial guided meditation portion and during the extended time of silence, simply relax and enjoy as the Holy Fire® Reiki energy will work directly and uniquely with each person during the experience to offer purification, healing, guidance, and empowerment. Listen now on YouTube.