The benefits of walking in nature are numerous. Some of these benefits include the following: -helps improve cardiovascular health -assists with reducing stress and anxiety -improves well-being and uplifting one’s mood and can be especially helpful when experiencing a traumatic life circumstance like a health issue, or the transition of a loved one or a relationship issue. -can help decrease high blood pressure -helps bring stillness to the mind -grounding -can assist with opening and developing one’s senses by observing the sights and sounds of nature -feeling more connected to Spirit which also boosts creativity With such benefits to the body and mind, walking in nature can also assist with speeding up the healing/recovery process. Being outdoors in nature brings clarity of mind. Especially when we let go of everything that may be on our minds for a while, and become aware of and observe our surroundings in nature. From the wind’s gentle breeze, to the rustling sound of leaves and the warm sun on your back. The brilliant colorful flowers, the sweet song of a bird overhead, the soft green grass and strong-rooted trees, all with their vibrancy and aliveness is something to appreciate. Taking a nature walk helps us to see our lives and experiences from a higher perspective. It helps us connect more deeply with our inner peace, our Spirit, that reminds us that “All is Well.” I love walking in nature on a daily basis. No matter how I am feeling before taking my walk, I always feel more uplifted and renewed during and after my nature walk. I also have found that much intuitive guidance comes during these walks. When the mind becomes still, the inspiration (in-spirit) flows. And adding Reiki to a walk in nature boosts the intuitive guidance even more, since the Reiki energy helps us to connect more deeply with the wisdom of our Spirit. Incorporating Reiki into a Nature Walk ![]() I love to connect with Reiki on my walks. I have noticed that by doing so, I feel even more grounded, relaxed, peaceful, more in tune with Spirit, and it boosts creative ideas. Reiki nature walks are very balancing, grounding, healing and empowering. Before I set off on my walk in nature, I call on Reiki. Though some parts may vary at different times depending on what I’m feeling Reiki guiding me to use (symbols etc.) at the moment, the following are typically the steps I follow. Steps that I Follow as Suggested Ideas for Taking a Walk in Nature with Reiki
I do love my Reiki nature walks. They enhance my time in nature and deepen the relaxing, healing, harmonizing, and balancing benefits that nature has to offer. You may wish to incorporate these ideas and bring the loving power of Reiki into your nature walks. When invoking Reiki and/or any symbols, do what works for you. You can visualize the symbols, state their names, draw them over the body, or you may have other ways too. Follow your inner guidance and let Reiki lead the way on your walks! And have fun! In Oneness,
Maya Bringas Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand. If you enjoyed reading this article and found it helpful, feel free to share it with those that may be interested in the content. Sharing is caring!
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