Understanding Your Intuition for Improved Health, Well-being, Abundance, Relationships, and Career2/9/2016 Everyone has their own unique way of receiving intuitive messages from their Higher Self/inner wisdom. All of the answers you require can be found within. Your Higher Self which is all-knowing and all-powerful and sees everything from a higher perspective, always knows exactly what is best for you in all aspects of your life including: health, career, life purpose, abundance, relationships etc. You just simply need to tune into your inner wisdom within. It is very helpful to be aware of and understand your unique way that you receive intuitive guidance so that when you receive solutions and messages from your Higher Self, you will notice them as such. One way of receiving guidance is visually with your inner vision and/or externally. For example, images, scenes, or symbols that you see during meditation or while dreaming, or signs that you see with your physical eyes such as sparkling flashes of light or repeated number sequences (like 111, 333, and 444). This is known as clairvoyance (clear seeing). Clairaudience (clear hearing) is when you hear the guidance in your mind or externally with your ears. Examples include: over-hearing a conversation or hearing something on the radio or television that answers the question you are seeking an answer for, or hearing celestial music come from no physical source, or hearing a loving message in your mind. Clairsentience (clear feeling) is when you receive guidance through your feelings (physical body and emotions). Some examples are: air pressure or temperature changes coming on suddenly, sensing a spiritual presence, feeling sudden emotions like joy and excitement, feeling the emotions of others, or smelling a fragrance in the air that has no physical source. Finally, claircognizance (clear thinking) is when you receive guidance through your thoughts such as knowing something even though you may not know how or receiving inspired ideas or wisdom that seem to have come from someone else. It is common for people to have a mix of all of these "clairs," with one that is more dominant. Keep reading to find out what your dominant/primary clair is. How Can I Tune Into My Higher Self? Whether its during meditation time, or in a shorter moment of quiet stillness, you can simply close your eyes, and take several slow deep breaths to bring your attention inwards. You can place your hands and attention on your heart center. Ask your Higher Self for what you require at that moment. If you would like answers to specific concerns, ask your Higher Self now. Then simply relax for some time and notice if any images, thoughts or ideas come to mind or if you experience any sensations in your body. If you are not sure if you are understanding the message you receive, simply ask for clarification. You can also ask for repeated signs so that you are clear on the message. Remain relaxed and do not strain yourself to receive a message. Just BE, without any force or expectations as that can restrict the natural flow of intuitive guidance. Sometimes the message may not come right at that moment, but often times it will show up later. Do remember to pay attention in the days/weeks to come so that you can notice what shows up. Taking a quiet walk in nature and being in the fresh air is very helpful for connecting with your Higher Self as well. Having optimal health has always been important to me since I was a youth. Some years ago, I wanted to find a solution to increase my iron levels. I have always had a very healthy diet, eating lots of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables high in iron. My iron levels at that time were normal, but in the low end of the normal range, which I wanted to improve. It didn’t make sense to me why I didn’t have the optimal level with such a healthy diet and taking iron supplements. The MD said that it could be normal for my body and that it was perfectly fine, but I still wanted to improve it to be at the optimal level. So I went within for the answers, listening to my body. Over the next while I kept getting messages about gluten. I had already had the routine test that physicians give to check for celiac (gluten intolerance) which I didn’t have. And at that time, the information about being gluten-sensitive, but not celiac, wasn’t as well-known as it is now. I kept getting the thought though to “go off the gluten.” I kept getting various intuitive messages on this topic which included books about switching to a gluten-free diet showing up. One time my husband and I spent a few days out of the city in the countryside on a nature getaway and we decided to go into the very small library before returning. As soon as I walked in, I noticed right in front of me, a book about going gluten-free. So with the repeated messages I was receiving, I listened to the guidance and went off gluten completely right away. More people nowadays are finding out that they are gluten-sensitive, and though they may not experience the same reactions to gluten that those with celiac do, having gluten (wheat and other gluten grains) in the system can affect the absorption of iron in the body and some may also experience other symptoms. I decided to have my iron levels checked after three months being on a gluten-free diet. When I had my levels tested they had doubled! I had never before had such levels since I had been doing the iron tests. What a great confirmation to myself that I was on the right track. My MD thought that there must have been an error in the test since the results were not consistent with the results I had in the past, even though I had mentioned to her that I had switched to a gluten-free diet and that would medically explain the positive increase. I knew that there was no error. I repeated the test again about three months after that and had another a few months again after that while keeping the gluten-free diet. My iron was continuing to maintain the improved higher levels since switching to gluten-free. Even if my iron levels hadn’t improved, I would have stayed gluten-free anyway as my body felt happier and that gluten-free food tasted better too. As another benefit, my hair grew thicker and fuller too, since hair health is affected by iron absorption. So my point with this little example is that the answers are within you. Whether you need guidance about your health, career, life purpose, or anything else, you hold the answers within. Go within and ask for what you desire and the answers will always be revealed. Relying on others to always tell you what to do in your life is disempowering as your own soul knows what is best for you. You know yourself best. Of course with certain things like health concerns, you should also consult a health professional. You are always “connected” to your intuition. It’s simply a matter of recognizing it and then following its guidance. Have you ever done something or perhaps not followed through on an idea and then regretted it after thinking, “Oh! If only I had listened to my gut!” or thought something similar. Intuition is like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. And as it grows stronger, it becomes much easier for guidance and solutions to flow through you. So take a moment right now, take a deep breath, place your hands and attention on your heart center (chakra) and ask your Higher Self, “What do I need to know right now?” The following exercise is from "The Angel Therapy Handbook," 2011, by Doreen Virtue, and condensed below. What's Your "Primary Clair"? To discover your primary clair, think about the following scenarios and then answer the question (choose only one response for each): 1. When you initially meet someone new, what’s the first thing you tend to notice about the person? A. The way the person looks, such as clothing, hair, teeth, shoes, or general attractiveness. B. How you feel around the person, such as being comfortable, amused, safe, and so on. C. Whether you find the person interesting, or believe this may be someone who can help you out in your career. D. The sound of the person’s voice or laughter. 2. Think back on a vacation you took. What stands out most in your memory? A. The beautiful sights of nature, the architecture, or something that you witnessed. B. The peaceful, romantic, restful, or exhilarating feelings associated with the trip. C. The important and interesting cultural and/or historical information that you learned while traveling. D. The sweet silence, the crashing surf, the chirping birds, the rustling leaves, music, or some other sound. 3. Recall a movie that you truly enjoyed. When you think of that film, what comes to mind first? A. The attractive actors and actresses, the lighting, the costumes, or the scenery. B. The way the movie made you laugh, cry, or moved you in some way. C. The interesting plot, or the life lessons that you or the movie’s characters learned during the story. D. The musical score or the sound of the actors’ and actresses’ voices. Note your answers to the above questions. Most likely, you’ve answered two or three questions with the same letter, which signifies your primary clair, or the dominant way in which you process information about the physical and spiritual world. This is what the answers mean: Mostly “a” answers signify clairvoyance. You’re a highly visual person and are likely to notice how people, places, and even meals look before you focus on anything else. You’re probably very artistic; or if you’re not creative in this way, you have an excellent eye for putting together wardrobes, interior design, and such. Visual harmony is important to you, and you appreciate anything that’s pleasing to the eye. Mostly “b” answers signify clairsentience. You interact with the world through your physical and emotional feelings. You’re highly sensitive and may have difficulty dealing with crowds, which can include driving on busy streets and freeways. You sometimes confuse others’ feelings for your own. You’re very compassionate, and often feel the pain of those around you (sometimes unknowingly). You may overeat or indulge in other addictions to deal with overwhelming feelings. You want to help others to feel happy, and may become a professional helper or form relationships with people who need assistance. Mostly “c” answers signify claircognizance. You’re an intellectual who receives direct communication through ideas and revelations. You often know facts (both trivial and important) without having read or heard anything about a particular subject before, as if God has downloaded the information directly into your brain. You’re not comfortable with small talk, and prefer deeper and more profound discussions. You may feel uneasy around people, except in one-on-one situations involving a subject of interest to you. You’re able to fix electronic and mechanical items without referring to instruction booklets, and you know how to heal people and situations, too. You've most likely been teased for being a “know-it-all.” You may be skeptical about angels and psychic abilities, unless you’ve had a dramatic lifesaving experience that you can’t explain away. As a claircognizant, you tend to assume that your knowledge is common information. It isn’t—it’s Heaven’s way of answering your prayers and speaking to you! Mostly “d” answers signify clairaudience. You’re very sensitive to noise, and you’re the first one to cringe at off-key notes or other unpleasant sounds. You can remember song melodies in much the same way that someone with a photographic memory can recall material they’ve read. It’s best if you use earplugs when traveling, as sensitivity to noise makes it difficult for you to sleep or relax on airplanes and in hotel rooms. For the same reason, you avoid the first few rows at loud concerts. Peace and blessings,
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