![]() It is with love and gratitude, that I feel inspired to write about and share a few deeply profound experiences, including healing, that I’ve had with the blessed Mother Mary, as she is available and ready to assist anyone who calls upon her for assistance. Whether it be for healing, inspiration, upliftment, guidance, a boost in self-love, or inner peace, she helps all. She loves all unconditionally and her gentle, healing love is so nurturing and powerful. She can help you with any aspect of your life if you so choose to ask for her loving support. Just to share a little about myself, Mother Mary has been a guiding light in my life since I was a child. I have always felt close to her as so many do around the globe. Mother Mary represents the Divine Mother and she is a mother to all people and all life. And as such, she can always come to our immediate aid for divine support. When we connect with the Divine Mother, we connect with the aspect of our own selves that is unconditionally loving, nurturing, compassionate, and understanding. We connect to the love that is within each of us, which is our true healer. My first healing from Mother Mary that I recall, was an experience that occurred over twenty years ago. Doreen Virtue, a best-selling, inspirational and spiritual author and teacher, who has written over fifty books mostly on the topic of angels, wrote about a couple of my experiences in her beautiful book titled, “Mary Queen of Angels,” that was published in 2012. I share an excerpt here from the book, of an experience I had, to illustrate an example of Mother Mary's healing power. “Any loving parent would want her children to be immediately comforted, so Mother Mary’s healings are often instantaneous. When Maya Bringas asked Mary to heal away her pain, her prayer was immediately answered: Maya has had several experiences with Mother Mary that touched her. For instance, many years ago, when she was about 20, she woke up with severe pains in her lower abdomen. It was like nothing she’d ever experienced before; she was in agony. Since it was the middle of the night, she didn’t want to get up and disturb her parents, so she stayed in bed. At that time, Maya kept a small statue of Mother Mary on her bedside table, so she touched the statue, asking for the pain to go away. She then started to place her hands in various positions on her abdominal area. After just a few minutes, the pain completely disappeared! She was then able to fall back to sleep. The next morning, Maya told her parents what had happened, and also went to the doctor to check things out, even though she had no discomfort. The doctor explained that it was menstrual cramps, something Maya had never experienced before the previous night, which is why she was so confused what was happening with her body. That day Maya bought some carnations and placed them on her altar at home as an offering to Mother Mary to thank her for healing her pain. It truly was a miracle, and she was so grateful to the Blessed Mother! It’s been about 15 or so years since that night, and she has never experienced cramps like that again. She knows that Mother Mary is always with her, protecting and guiding her.” As Doreen explains in her lovely book, Mother Mary is always available to us to provide us with sweet and gentle nurturing support, not only with physical issues, but with emotional or any sort of issues we need help with. We need only call upon the beloved Mother for assistance and she will come to our aid. And as we do, we are calling upon and requesting alignment to the loving, divine feminine energy, that lies within each of us (both females and males) to provide the nurturing support we require. When we take a little time to go inwards and quiet the mind and connect with the stillness that resides within, we connect with our Higher Holy Spirit Self. And it is here that we receive the guidance and assistance required to assist us for our healing and alignment. ![]() Several years ago, in 2000, I was visiting an aunt in France with my parents and we travelled to the sacred town called Lourdes in the south of France. It is such a beautiful, small town, nestled in the Pyrenees Mountains. Lourdes is very sacred place where Mother Mary appeared to a young girl named Bernadette eighteen times over several months in 1858. Mother Mary asked Bernadette to dig in a specific area in the ground and soon after water began flowing there. This water is holy water and many miracles of healing have been reported. Millions of people travel there each year. When I was there, it was still a few years before I knew or learned about energy healing etc. However, one does not need to know details about energy, in order to feel and experience the powerful sacred energy. I remember as I touched the grotto walls and felt the flowing water in my hands, the powerful energy that filled my being. It was an amazing experience. Mother Mary is an Ascended Master that we may call upon for assistance, guidance, and healing. “There are those who have reached God directly, retaining no trace of worldly limits and remembering their own Identity perfectly. These might be called the Teachers of teachers because although they are no longer visible, their image can yet be called upon. And they will appear when and where it is helpful for them to do so. To those to whom such appearances would be frightening, they give their ideas. No one can call on them in vain. Nor is there anyone of whom they are unaware. All needs are known to them, and all mistakes are recognized and overlooked by them.” ~ A Course in Miracles (Manual for Teachers, 26.2). I call upon Mother Mary daily to guide and assist me. In the past few years, when I had experienced physical distress (with gratitude I am now fine as the issue has resolved) I called upon the Blessed Mother immediately to intervene. And each time, I received assistance. I knew that her energy was present, enveloping me in her sacred healing light of love. There were times when I experienced pain and after laying down and calling upon her, she assisted with returning calm to the mind and the discomfort subsided. I was able to drift off to sleep. Upon waking the pain was gone. These were healing miracles. I normally do not discuss that journey of healing that experience with others, as it is not who I AM, is over, and is no longer part of my vibration. Each experience we go through in life is there to teach us something about ourselves and to help realign us to who we really are, our true divine essence. I have only chosen to share a little of that experience now, to perhaps offer a little upliftment and hope to anyone who may be feeling disheartened, afraid, or going through a challenging time, to know that you are never alone. Release your fears to the divine. You always have the loving support of the divine ready and joyfully awaiting to offer help at anytime. The divine resides no further than within your own sacred heart. ![]() Mother Mary is also wonderful to call upon to assist with issues of self-love, forgiveness, grief, sadness, and self-empowerment. You can ask her to help with healing and/or further expansion of your heart center (chakra) and inner light so that you may live aligned to your heart. Or simply call upon her or ask her to come to you during meditation/quiet contemplation to receive her loving energies and be open to receive her light! Don't be surprised if you experience waves of loving energy being infused into your heart center and whole being when you do. Ask and you shall receive in the perfect way that is best for you. As mentioned, Mother Mary is available to assist anyone and everyone. One does not need to have specific spiritual or religious beliefs. Unconditional love, which is what she is and represents is open to all! I wanted to share some of my experiences at this time because she has been and continues to be a very important part on my path. For me, she has been one, if not the most, powerful healing light in my life. I am forever grateful for her loving support, healing miracles, guidance, and blessings. And I hope that by having shared my experiences, you know that the loving and healing power of Mother Mary is always available to you too. You just need call upon her and ask for her guidance and support. And she will be with you. She already is because she is a part of all of us. The loving, nurturing mother, the divine feminine energy, resides within us all. In Oneness and Light, Maya PS. Have you had an experience or felt a deep connection to Mother Mary? Feel free to share your experience below. I always love to read your feedback.
UPDATE 2022: Beautiful gemstone pendants and bracelets are available on my online shop. They have been cleansed and anointed with Lourdes water making them an extra special gift for yourself or a friend! They have their unique crystal/gem properties, plus the Lourdes energy and they have also been infused with Holy Fire Reiki. Click here to view in shop. If you find these posts helpful, feel free to share them with those that are interested in the topics. ~Sharing is caring~ Let's spread the LOVE!
5/8/2019 02:20:46 pm
I fell hard on my sits bones and lower back on my property last Wednesday. It jarred me out of my system and body. I was in shock for a couple days. A psychic healer help balance me out. That really did help. I also went to an excellent body worker on Saturday. A few minutes into the massage, Mother Mary in dark blue with internal lighter blue hued lined robes was in the massage room with us. (I was not raised christian, do not know about her, the healer also was not raised that way nor had any relationship with Mary when I asked her after the session.) Mary had the dark blue hood over her head and looked downward in her gaze. She held her hands out palms up and pinkies together at her navel level. There was a BRILLIANT sphere of pure, bright gold in her hands. As the body worker worked on more intense areas of my body, that golden ball of energy was what was physically moving up and down the muscle rather than the healer's hands. I did not feel the healer at all during those moments, I only felt the intense warmth, love and extremely high level kind of quantum healing from the golden sphere. Mary stayed in the room the whole 80 or so minutes. I loved having her presence there and would have liked to have spoken with her but she was no longer present as I was moving to get off the table. What a beautiful energy!!
5/8/2019 09:14:07 pm
What a beautiful experience with Mother Mary!! Yes, her energy is that of Divine Unconditional Love and is so wonderful, nurturing, gentle, and deeply healing. Love is the healer and is what we are. It's our inherent essence. If one wants to connect with the beloved Divine Mother, anyone can at any time and she always hears the call and is always available to assist. Also, during quiet time alone/meditation, one can call upon Mother Mary and she will offer her unconditional love, support, and help. Thanks for sharing your beautiful story Nene. Peace and Love.
Madeleine cammarata
11/2/2019 09:16:30 pm
Pray for speedy recovery
11/3/2019 08:33:12 pm
Peace, love, and light to you for a speedy recovery. :)
12/31/2019 09:10:31 am
What a beautiful experience I had today with mother Mary. Beautiful energy thank you so much you’re welcome in my heart and life. Amen 🙏🏾
12/31/2019 10:30:40 am
Thank you for sharing. Wonderful that you had a beautiful experience with Mother Mary's loving energy! Peace, love, and blessings.
Robert Pecorella
1/14/2020 07:13:13 am
Hi. I believe in Mother Mary healing. I have been chronically ill. On and off for 35 years with Lyme disease. I desperately need help.
1/14/2020 04:42:58 pm
Hi Robert, peace, love, and light for your healing. Are you familiar with the Medical Medium books and information? I highly recommend his books, and checking out his website as he provides truly helpful information for healing chronic illness and the root cause. He also gives info about lyme disease, like in his book, "Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal." His website is www.medicalmedium.com and he has tons of wonderful articles, recipes, and helpful information on his website. There is also a radio show he did on lyme disease that can be listened to hear: https://soundcloud.com/medicalmedium/medical-medium-lyme-disease Many blessings to you.
10/5/2020 05:16:49 am
Hi!!! Yesterday morning Mother Mary appeared in my heart chakra. It began to expand and then, for a few moments, it was as if I disappeared and became completely the energy of Mother Mary. it was soooo beautiful. Excited to now have a conscious relationship with her beautiful love and support.
10/5/2020 04:10:46 pm
Hi Devorah, what a lovely experience you had with the Mother Mary! Enjoy your connection with her and her loving support. Peace and love.
7/31/2022 11:22:27 pm
Such a beautiful thing to read what you have shared here, thank you so very much. Exactly what I needed to read as Mother Mary has been close to me for a long time though I am not raised Christian. I wonder if you could share with me where the image of the painting on the top of your page came from? I have had this image as a vision many many, years ago while going through a very difficult time and it was wonderful to see it and would like to find a clearer image/photo of this painting.
8/7/2022 03:36:53 pm
Hi Ali,
Kate Bradley
12/17/2022 09:57:27 am
Loving all this.
Kate Bradley
12/17/2022 09:58:16 am
I love hearing all these wonderful, loving, healing experiences.
12/26/2022 08:56:54 pm
I agree. It is wonderful to hear all of these beautiful, loving, and healing experiences. Peace and blessings to you.
1/15/2023 10:59:33 am
Im not Christian but studied in a missionary school in my country for 14 years -since I was 3 to 17 yo. The school name in Latin is Stella Maris
1/15/2023 04:47:59 pm
Mother Mary is kind, gentle and loving indeed. Wonderful that you are feeling drawn to connect with her energies at this time. Enjoy the connection. Blessings and peace.
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