The inner critic is the voice in the mind of all humans that says we are not good enough. It judges the self, others and the world. It is the voice of confusion, separation, disharmony and illusion. It is fear, unconsciousness (in spiritual terms) and unawareness. It runs on auto-pilot and if one is unaware of it and doesn’t learn how to become mindful of it, it can run wild and become louder and more hostile. In contrast, peace, is the essence that we all are. It exists within all of life and is eternal and unchanging. Our inner peace is love, Oneness, and divine/universal Truth. It is stillness, consciousness, and awareness. We are always in charge of what we choose to join with, identify as, and invest our energy into at any given moment. There are two choices. We can choose to either join with the inner critic or inner peace. To list just a few, some of the qualities, beliefs, patterns, and energies, characteristic of the inner critic include: -inner bully, bossy, self-doubt, isolation, victimhood, critical, harsh, guilt, indecision, separation consciousness, conflict, limitation, unworthiness, complains, blames, and energy that feels chaotic/frantic/incoherent. Some examples of thoughts that arise from the inner critic are those such as: “I’ve got more work to do on myself. I’m not quite there yet.” “Other people can get what they want, but not me.” “I don’t deserve to be happy.” “There is something wrong with me.” “There is something wrong with that person.” “I’m being punished.” “I have to wait until everything is perfect.” “I’m not (smart…pretty…handsome…slim…fat...) enough.” “I’m too old.” “I’m better than them.” “They are better than me.” And so on… Clearly the inner critic has no interest nor desire for inner peace! However, joining and identifying with the true essence of peace that we are, aligns us to our wholeness and to qualities, beliefs, patterns, and energies such as: -inner gentleness, softness, reassurance, compassion, trust in divine/universal order, innocence, stability, harmony, flow, acceptance, connection, love, Oneness/unity consciousness, worthiness, and energy that feels calm/still/coherent. How we often feel reflects where we are placing our attention and focus. Is your attention, focus, and therefore your energy, on the inner critic or inner peace? Buying into the ideas, thoughts, and tactics of the inner critic is draining and exhausting. Buying into its fears can also hold you back from living your heart's true desires or keep you stuck. Beneath/beyond any loud, noisy, frantic, hectic energy of the inner critic, the quiet stillness, calm and peace is always present and available. No matter what patterns of behavior or habits you've had in the past, the present moment always provides the opportunity to choose inner peace; peace of mind. In my upcoming Joining with Inner Stillness and Peace Workshop on June 15th you will learn how to deepen your awareness of the ever-present, loving, calming, grounding, stillness and peace within. Learn how you can join with it consistently at any moment throughout the day, every day, and transform your life’s experiences. By integrating the simple, practical and effective tools that I will share in the workshop into your daily routine, you will be able to experience alignment to your magnificence, peace and wholeness. I invite you to check out the details of the workshop if you would like to: -invest your energy into inner peace rather than the inner critic -let go of worrying and fears and live rooted in the present now moment -let self-judgement fall away so that compassion and love can bloom freely and abundantly -be more in tune with your inner essence of peace (true Self) -learn how to experience true and lasting inner peace -enjoy greater inner liberation, relaxation, and well-being of body, mind, and soul So if you would like to join in my upcoming Joining with Inner Stillness and Peace Workshop in Edmonton, I would love to see you there. No previous experience is required and it is suitable for both those who are new to these ideas and practices and also for those who are already familiar with them. A desire to join more deeply with inner peace is all that is needed. Listen to your heart. It will let you know whether to join at this time. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. You can find the workshop details HERE. In Oneness,
Maya Bringas If you enjoyed reading this article and found it helpful, feel free to share it with those that may be interested in the content. Sharing is caring! Let's spread the love and peace!
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